Time for a change…
Of wardrobe options! Our hope is to create a place where interesting wearable items and cool clothing creators can be featured in one spot! But not just anything. We have some ground rules for what we want on this website:
High quality. None of those plastic buttons that are painted as it they’re made of wood. No matter how cool something may look, you should feel just as cool about wearing it, with nothing to hide! Over time we’d like to create many videos that demonstrate our process for evaluating a product’s quality in order to be featured here.
Off the beaten path, or “off meta”. There are some sharp looking tailored three pieced suits out there, sure. But if that’s what you wanted you could get that anywhere. We’re looking for the exotic. Maybe not quite to the Lady Gaga extreme, but some of our choices should absolutely push boundaries of fashion norms.
Interesting. The weakest of three considerations, but we do want to see some cool ideas. A strap that adds a pocket to your sleeve, some hand made Wolverine claws, no-pierce-required ear jewelry, just something that catches the attention to make us say “oh that’s neat!”
We’re excited about this journey… are you?